The Benefits of Modular Office Systems

by VENDIREX on 03/02/2015 - 02:20 pm |

Tag: Equipment Leasing

Modular Office SystemsOffice Cubicles and Systems, first created back in the 1960s, are almost as commonly used today as standard desks. They are a great choice when you have a large open office, allowing you to create multiple ‘mini’ private spaces for your employees. Not as noisy as they may seem, cubicles have panels which provide enough separation to keep noise and distraction to a minimum.


Not only can you choose from several styles and colors, but added features can also be configured to provide cabinets, extra storage and work surfaces - and the panels create built-in ‘wall space’ to post up notes or photos. To create groupings for employees who collaborate, you can choose from semi-private cubicles (with work areas in between which allow interaction), or designs which have lower partition walls.  


Generally speaking, employees enjoy working in a cubicle environment because they can personalize their own space to suit their job tasks and personality; all while easily communicating with others in the office. Additionally, a supervisor can work with several staff members at a time, observing and jumping in as needed. It is easy to pool staff members together in one area of the office who have similar talents, which can help to improve productivity.


Another advantage of open cubicles can be utilized when you want to hold staff meetings. If you do not have a conference or meeting room, the open office systems allow a manager to address everyone at once - without having to purchase separate tables and seating.

You may be surprised to learn that cubicle systems were introduced to bring back a modicum of privacy, which was taken from workers in the early 20th century. Early modernist architects, including Frank Lloyd Wright, first designed open-plan spaces. The intent was to break down physical walls in order to eliminate ‘social walls’ which separated workers. Unfortunately, instead of liberating employees, the concept instead encouraged corporations to pack as many workers into a space as possible. Partition systems were actually later designed to put some ‘soul’ back into the workplace.



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